About Events West

Events West has been providing equipment and services to the events industry for over 18 years and is one of the largest suppliers of equipment in WA. From Weddings and small events to large outdoor festivals and concerts we are able to offer excellent packages of industry leading brands & professional equipment to all our clients. As we own all our equipment we are able to pass on package savings to all our customers.

John Hayes, the founder and director of the company has built a strong and dedicated team with many years of combined experience, with a substantial amount of specialised equipment that can cover a wide range of event and festival scenarios.

With everything you need, and best price & service available.

Sound, Lighting, Staging, Roof Structures and Marquees,
as well as
Generators, Lighting Towers, Fencing and Portable Toilets.
We can also supply complete site & event management, power distribution & logistics to make sure your event runs
smoothly and stress free.

Don’t just ‘have’ an occasion…. ‘Create’ an event,
with the team at Events West.

Give us a call, we’d love to hear from you.

Previous events

City of Busselton- Jetty 100th Anniversary

City of Bunbury - SHIFT Youth Festival

Dunsborough Arts Festival

Hit FM/ Triple M Awards

Dunsborough Leavers


Brookhampton Estate Concert

Oktoberfest In the Gardens

Donnybrook Apple Festival

Wagin Woolorama

Talison Lithium - Christmas Party

Festival of Busselton

Contact Us

Bunbury :: Donnybrook :: Busselton

1300 887 540      events@eventswest.com.au

Contact Us